The challenge
Due to the high altitude of the site, a trailer in no way represented a permanent solution for the nature preschool. Therefore, the patrons, sponsors, volunteers and preschool directors worked together on plans for a cabin. The building’s layout took shape through a great deal of careful consideration, and provided for a large room for group activities, separate entrance lobby and cloak room as well as a separate bathroom and storage room. The building materials were to contain as much ecological wood as possible.
Our solution
Integrate GUTEX Multiplex-Top® into the wood ceiling and in the vented wood facade as insulation. Furnish all the prefabricated modules, including the floors, walls and ceiling with wood fibre blown-in insulation. Install GUTEX Multiplex-top® over the rafters to provide a wind- and rain-tight sub roof. Integrate finger splice joined glulam boards, manufactured from European silver fir and milled to produce grooves and fit on 10-mm thick GUTEX wood fibre boards to create a sound absorbing panel under the roof.
Project features
60-square-metre wood house to accommodate 20 children with large windows, attractive wood stove with heat-storing masonry components, but no electricity, no running water and just a camping toilet. Many sponsors and volunteers pitched in to make the project possible, including Braas, Witholz, Holzwerkstatt Ebi, Raab Karcher, Schreinerei Maier and GUTEX.
Roof U-value: 0.19 W/ (m2K)
Wall U-value: 0.23 W/ (m2K)
Ceiling U-value: 0.20 W/ (m2K)
Time lag: between 9.5 and 10.9 hours
Construction solutions
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